Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Answering Mr.Saurabh Saksena

(Find Saurabh's view in IBN, "The Curse of being a hindu in modern India".)

I completely disagree with the author, especially on his hue and cry that, there may be some Muslim causality in Gujarat but there were Hindu causalities too. Thousands of Moslems were murdered. Killing their innocent children, Raping and murdering even their pregnant women by Hindu extremists were not the real issue in Gujarat. The most shocking reality in Gujarat riot was, the careful planning and execution of mass murder and annihilation of Moslem existence by the Gujarat government lead by Narendra Modi himself with their police used as a supporting aid to the murderers. Author is comfortably settled abroad and its no wonder that he feels Hindus are a minority in India and are being sidelined. If there is no Hindu fascism in India, there would not be any minority terrorism too. They are closely related and co-existing. Hinduism is not a religion and it does not have any set of rules and the propagation techniques as Semitic religions do, and the problems and issues which we face now are coming from the misunderstanding and misinterpretation of this very truth by the extremist Hindus. We don’t need any saviors of Hindutva in India. If this ancient style of living with its very own polytheism and in numeral contraries with in itself could survive thousands of years, it would sustain with out any of these protectors and their holy wars. What really Indians need to do at this given point of time is to reject these self appointed holy saviors of Hindutva, learn about our civilization and try to live peacefully. Moslem terrorism is acting in India on political interest of ISI, not on their religious interest. It’s high time for the responsible Hindus to wake up and realize.


  1. good one mate! first time in life i totally agree with you! lolz.
    great post anywayz! and seems like u still into photography!

  2. "Still into photography?" was a real cruel query friend. Until I own a DSLR (N D80 at least or is it little too much to ask? Does 'D' stand for 'Dream'?)with a 16-35 lens, i wouldn't dare to say i am "into". The only one camera right now with me is a -point-shoot-5MP-Panasonic. :-(. (There’s no much change in 'Jigs' after yourlast meeting dude; other than few extra responsibilities he took on choice, and few extra pounds he got, kind of automatically. How about u? Do u take pics? where do u work now? how are ur parents doing? sis? and what about little devil :) ? do u still own that car and scooter?
